Does February Give 2020 The Finger…?

Oh yeah, it does, and we enter a whole new realm now with….

Oh yeah, it does, and we enter a whole new realm now as this month is not just a new month, it’s a whole bloody new year ~ WooHoo ?

Ciao 2020, 2021 is movin’ in on the Tiger’s back!

This February is Geng Yin:

  • Geng is our championing Yang Metal
  • Yin is our stealthy Tiger

This news post is a tough one to write, as I want to wrap the year into this month, but heck, we’d be here all day ?… I’ll do my best to stay on track with the month first, and we’ll have a bigger chat on my Podcast for 2021 ok ~ be sure to subscribe as you mustn’t miss what I’ll be sharing there!

Alrighty, February 3rd sees a new awakening as the Tiger steps forward, with 2021 on its gracious back (entering @ 10.58pm tonight) and this is a big deal. Oh, and maybe pop down and hit play on the video below, I think you’ll love the song I’ve attached here, great backdrop for this post ?!

Bit of a tag-team going on, and one we can relate to, as we all need a pick-me-up about now, and a helping hand right.

Yeah, I so hear ya, me too!

What’s great about this new month in particular, is the Tiger has put the run on the Rat of 2020, and yes, a certain finger was raised… ?

Awesome right ?

This month, it is incredibly important that you make your intentions for the year clear, and I mean c-l-e-a-r peeps!

For those in my VIP circle, you had the dates to release your pain of 2020, clean your mind, and reinstall a new OS for a new beginning in 2021 ~ and it worked didn’t it!

Yep, I sure was energized 100% after those sessions ?‍♀️

Now don’t be feeling left out if you didn’t have those, seize this February month to stake your claim on 2021, as that’s what the Tiger is here to do: stealthy in the grass, observant, quiet, and then BAM, pounce and conquer.

Yes, I said conquer, this is not a quiet month, this is an action month peeps!

We have a Hexagram that speaks to great radiance, to ideas being illuminated and obstructions removed (seriously, no one F*$^’s with a Tiger… ?)

Understand you are a powerhouse this month, and your moves are to be purposeful, intentional and accept there are no mistakes. If you say something outspoken that ruffles some feathers, acknowledge it is no mistake, your intent was clear, you simply found the courage to speak up!

Bravo my friends, bravo ?

Now, are you wise to be fast and furious then, steamroll your way through to get what you want…?

Hello, have you not been listening…? ?

No ~ be stealthy.

Keep your cards close to your chest, define your actions with a humble fluidity and become the unexpected when the timing is right. Do not mistake this as deceitful, I simply wish for you to take care of #1 for a change, and not share your plans to all and sundry.

If you are the strongest, most purposeful version of yourself, you can inspire others, draw those you need to you, and provide direction for those who are lost in the jungle.

Now on a bigger scale, a nod to the global village…. oh my, there will be a rumble in the jungle for sure…

We have a power shift with month and year, and that always creates issues, so we will see more fighting, as something called ‘unfriendly parallel‘ steps up to the plate. This is when someone (or something) looks like your friend… but isn’t.

We got unfriendlies in the jungle peeps… keep your eyes peeled, focused forward, and your judgement sound.

2021 is a rebuild year, and I’ll be sharing more in my Annual Podcast and Video, so be ready to make new tracks in the earth, one paw in front of the other, stealthily advancing, and prepare that low rumble in the back of your throat, as you ain’t messing around now.

You’re like a proud parent, staking your claim, and owning it outright!

Ready for two fab areas this month for favourable outcomes? Of course you are, so let’s nail them down together!

  • Northeast ~ time to celebrate as this area can help you ‘get what you want’ so use this part of your home / office to firm up that partnership, support your team, and set your future on fire!
  • West ~ if you’ve been looking for a new income stream, a secondary income maybe, use this area of your home to work on that. It’s not that money is hidden in the West part of your home, its that money making opportunities are there, so tap into that big time peeps!

Time to balance this out, which areas are best to avoid then Sam?

  • Southeast ~ Um, this is an area to massively avoid (and it’s my home office ?‍♀️) because it can create blockages ~ real and metaphysical. So, be ready to hit road blocks, and find a creative ways around the issues, and be ready for some weight gain, or possibly a small lump… Not fun, but you can handle it, because now you know right. Right.
  • Northwest ~ this is a challenge for February as it’s all about the clashing of swords, the flash of a furious tongue that creates havoc, and can be quite destructive… Throw in that we are still in Mercury Retrograde, arguments can rise oh so easily. Down Tiger, down… Use your smarts and head this off at the nearest jungle pass, and my advice, don’t use the Northwest for important discussions… don’t say I didn’t warn ya…

Alrighty, let’s move into our horoscopes and see who interacts with whom (FIND YOUR CHARTOk, now you have your chart, look to the animals in the bottom row, as that’s what I’m referencing next!

Do you have:

Monkey… Alright, alright, alright… you do have a clash with the month, and a punishment, but no need to panic, as this tells me you are about to swing into action ~ so do exactly that! On a side note, I can assure you that 2021 is a great year for you, but ya still gotta make it happen, so this is your ground zero Monkey’s. They say a Leopard doesn’t change its spots, and ‘they‘ are right… Good job you’re a Monkey, and it’s Tiger month then isn’t it ?

Snake… So when a harm slides in, beside a punishment… it is most often emotional, possibly a sense of pressure, of being overwhelmed, and you have to shake that this month, as you may have skin in the game on this one!

Don’t be a victim of someone else’s shit, and don’t take on their crap either! Now this can overflow to a real ‘harm‘, in the sense of a minor accident, so a little extra caution when mobile (car, walking, skiing, cycling) will go a long way to ensure you experience no harm… it’s all under your control, so make wise decisions there Snakey…

Monkey… oh dear, are we feeling a little bit put-out, no-one wants to play your game, no-one seems to appreciate your hard work, ideas or actions…? Yeah, I can understand that, and some of it may be true, but suck it up Princess/Prince, as 2021 is not for whiny people, and the Tiger certainly frowns upon such self-deprecation…

Don’t think of yourself as the centre of other people’s world, they have their own stuff to sort, and don’t have time for you. Next month, they’ll appreciate all you’ve been doing, but this month, yeah, you may not get noticed, so ya kinda gotta roll with it… so roll with it.

Pig… Need a friend, a shoulder to lean on…? You’ll get exactly what you need this month, and more. You are in a special combination with the Tiger, and trust me, the Tiger has your back 100% This is particularly good if you are entering new partnerships, trying to collaborate on a new project and build a team, as the month supports it. Nice!

Whether you take on the mode of Tiger or Tigress, be prepared to stand your ground this month, as you will be the motivator as the Ox of 2021 moves into position at 10.58pm tonight.

The Ox isn’t a creature of speed, but she can be counted on to plough a steady path for us to walk, and that’s a good thing for 2021. This months’ Tiger is simply going to boost you into action, as the year is going to be a long one peeps, a year of preparation, of rebuilding, and relearning.

I have stayed quiet for far too long these past years, towing the line, doing what others wanted, what was expected, and to my astonishment, I didn’t get where I wanted to go…. WTF…?

Guess what, you have to turn WTF to SWN (So What Now)

I wasn’t being my authentic, cheeky, outspoken, rebellious me.

Well guess what, you’re gonna hear me Roar this year, and it’s gonna be awesome ~ you with me?

Signature Red Crop

By Sam Plovie

The Ultimate Guide By Your Side ~ QiPro Sam helps you remove the barriers that sabotage your success so you can live life at full potential