Can A Mirror Deflect Bad Qi And Save My Business…?

Mirrors are useful for many things… but I feel we need to set the….

When a business gets into trouble, it can come from many sources, so there is lots to evaluate from my point of view. However, one aspect that is quite often glaringly obvious, is an attack from the outside that the business owner wasn’t even aware of….

Sha Qi ~ Qi that attacks, divides and causes a whole lot of aggro!

There are specific mirrors that some feel are useful to deflect such negative Qi from hurting your business, if that Qi is coming straight at your location. This is often in connection with a road somewhat striking a property; a T-junction situation and yet, is such a connection valid…?

Sort of ~ let’s take a look.

In Feng Shui, we view roads as waterways, as they carry people, cars and trucks from A – Z with constant movement and multiple directional changes. They are a flurry of activity and important for your business as that is how your clients come to your store right.

As a whole, we prefer roads to be gentle in nature, which simply means curving, embracing and free-flowing compared to straight, angled or protruding.

When the Qi arrives to your location in a gentle way, so do your customers!

Straight roads can be damaging, as the Qi they carry is powerfully fast-moving… especially if it aims right toward your store

Roads are Qi activators, and can be effective ways of activating the good Qi coming toward your location… sometimes activating the not so good Qi though… and this is where mirrors have slid into view!

Now this may sound strange to describe a road in such a way, but really, it’s not, and you already know this.

Think about the last time you travelled to see Grandma who lives out in the country. As you left the grid pattern of the city roads, with their stop signs, junctions and hectic pace, and slipped onto the curving country roads with their apparent breath heaving up and down gently over sculpted hills… you began to relax right.

Without even knowing it, you were allowing yourself to be affected by your environment, and carried along with the Qi – the flowing soft Qi around you.

So, if that is good, what is bad then… and what can we do about it..?

Ah, this is our discussion for today, as many have thought a clever little mirror can deflect such bad Sha Qi as it strikes toward your business (or maybe your home) and yet, is that really true.. could it be true…?

Most often when I see such mirrors above a door, it is the Early Heaven Sequence Ba Gua, which simply refers to the Ba Gua of creation, representing a perfect world by design.

Technically, if the Early Heaven Ba Gua is used, it is correct, as it is like a lawful judge, and can bring the environment to order…

The 8 sectors around this mirror represent specific actions, people, body parts, elements ~ the list goes on and on… and it is representing these Trigrams:

The challenge with that is we don’t live in a perfect world do we, we live in the real world and sometimes reality isn’t so dreamy…

A mirror simply cannot put the real world to rights ~ If only it were that simple!

If you feel the under attack from negative Qi, look to natural blockers to soften anything you feel is harmful, and draw on nature:

  • raised flower beds
  • planters with beautiful flowers
  • decorative fencing applications
  • gazebos
  • artwork installations

and leave the mirrors out of the equation!

Nature is the most powerful evoker of Qi, and by simply improving your environment around you, you already swing the balance from negative Qi to more positive ~ what a clever Feng Shui Expert you are!

Personally, I do not use Ba Gua mirrors, either one: Early or After Heaven Sequence, and I do not advise you do either…

If you are concerned about negative Qi affecting your business, let’s have a chat and find out what the real issue is, and implement changes that will make a big difference to you, your customers and your bottom line!

By Sam Plovie

The Ultimate Guide By Your Side ~ QiPro Sam helps you remove the barriers that sabotage your success so you can live life at full potential