How Feng Shui Helps You Choose the Perfect Paint Colour for Your Home
The superior connection between Feng Shui, Design & Painter helps you achieve deeper harmony in your home
The superior connection between Feng Shui, Design & Painter helps you achieve deeper harmony in your home
You’re looking to buy your dream home, the perfect house on the perfect street where you can live the perfect life.
Can the garden around your home affect what happens inside your home..?
Buying a home in this crazy fast market is so challenging; you’ve got to be first in line, no conditions and with extra $$’s in hand to submit an over-asking offer!
I’d love to say build your home facing ‘X’ direction and life will be perfect.. life just doesn’t work that way! We need to position your home to capture the best energy for your and your family
Time to find out the real truth, and most importantly, how to….
Absolutely no idea…Ok, ok, maybe I better explain…..
Mirrors are useful for many things… but I feel we need to set the….
Can a house be bad, or have bad luck for me…?
Probably the biggest investment of your life, let’s make it a good one!