Enter The Dragon of 2024: Powerful Transformation Begins!

Known as the Green Dragon, or Jia Chen, this is a very auspicious Dragon stepping up to take the lead in 2024.

It’s time to power up your life and activate a new future!

Let me ask you something first though?

Have you jettisoned the old to make way for the new?

We have a new leader in the house, supported by an even bigger leader in the wings, guiding our every new move!

February 4th 2024 Starts The Year of The Wood Dragon

Known as the Green Dragon, and professionally as Jia Chen, this is a very auspicious Dragon stepping up to take the lead in 2024.

February 4th is the Solar Year transition that aligns with Feng Shui, and February 10th is the Lunar transition, that aligns with the celebrations and festivals.

You can read more here about Chinese New Year Dates in this article →

There is great wisdom in this Wood Dragon, as he is from the Spring season of the Chinese Zodiac.

The Wood Dragon will lead powerfully and with thought-provoking directives.

Not everyone will like such direction, not everyone will technically bow down to such leadership…

And this will be the undoing of many a political party and global leaders…

Is 2024 Year of The Dragon a Bad Year?

It’s not about good of bad, it’s about change.

We are entering a year of great upheaval as the Dragon is going to breath fire down the necks of those who’ve held power incorrectly.

The Dragon will extend his claw over those who have used their power for evil and masterminded horrific events.

And yes, I do mean evil ~ you know what’s afoot in our world right now.

The challenge will be that these global leaders are going to engage our Dragon and attempt a defensive coup of their own.

There will be wars and battle-cries as the powers that be, stave off relinquishing their power.

Will People Rise Up in Year of The Dragon?


People will mobilize as they understand their strength lies in numbers.

As people rally, confusion follows, and this is where the ‘Wood’ component of this 2024’s Wood Dragon activates.

Elementally speaking, Wood is educative, loving, compassionate and intent on growing in a positive direction.

Dare we say the Dragon will breath fire to burn some houses down…?


Not really his intent, but his hand will be forced and sometimes you have to take something to ashes for the true Phoenix to rise from newly fertile earth.

Will our Lives Improve this 2024 Year of The Dragon?

Long-term, yes.

Short-term, no.

Now before you send a swift swear word my way, and reach to close this article, hear me out.

We cannot continue on the path we’re on, it’s like an infected OS on your computer. There are a myriad of issues conjoined behind the scenes that cause no end of issues for the front end user.

We have to shut this OS down.

The powers that be have held court for far too long, and misrepresented their intent and their ability.

The Dragon of 2024 is here to clear the decks, and push us to take action.

Financially, it’s going to be rocky, primarily because it’s unpredictable but you can ride this out if you educate yourself on finances.

Remember, this is a Wood Dragon; he is an educator amongst other attributes, which makes this the right time to learn whatever you don’t know.

There will be a massive rise in financial fraud, online banking will be on the hot seat and we’ll see major breaches in big companies.

Large companies you felt were above the corporate crunch, will surprise you with layoffs and downsize their workforce.

How do you protect your job?

You must become indispensable and the trusted resource others seek out.

Again, use the educative stance of the Dragon to educate and elevate your skills, it’s the only way!

Does the Dragon of 2024 Have Super Powers That Will Change The World?


You and I do.

We are the super powers, we’ve just not had the balls or know-how to put our powers into action.

The Dragon is courageous, innovative, determined and will encourage us to change.

We’ve gotten comfortable with what we’ve known for the past 20 years and unfortunately, what we know ‘feels‘ cozy and right for us.

We must get comfortable being uncomfortable, as that’s the only way we’ll make a difference and use the Dragon effectively.

Will We See Breakthroughs This 2024 Year of The Wood Dragon?


The advances we’re about to make in the next 20 years, all start this year.

AI will evolve at record speed, with self-driving cars, mini robots in our daily lives (think Roomba Vacuum on steroids) and exciting new digital arenas.

Everything will go online, which is tricky for the old fashioned Mom & Pop stores, the brick and mortars of the village as they can’t compete with this digital surge.

Or can they?

If brick and mortar stores develop their online presence, they can enter the digital and AI arena in style!

Is the Dragon of 2024 A Spiritual Leader?


The Dragon is spiritually strong, and will awaken us to a higher path of self-discovery.

You won’t be howling at the moon, sprinkling fairy dust around your home, or moving to a Yurt at the end of your garden…

True spirituality is not religious, restrictive, weird or cultish in any way.

Spirituality is understanding our position in the Universe.

Separate from material possessions, from our state of ‘I’ and ‘me’ to a state of ‘we’ and ‘what could be’ we will THRIVE!

We are not humans having a soul experience, we are souls having a human experience.

Read that again.

How Do We Live A Successful & Happy Life In 2024 Year of The Dragon?

You read this whole article, twice!

The Wood Dragon of 2024 is the most powerful of the 12 Chinese Zodiacal Animals, and he’s here to help.

It doesn’t matter if you believe in Chinese Metaphysics Chinese Astrology, or Chinese Feng Shui

It’s all activating this year.

Do You Want To Rise Up This 2024 Year of The Wood Dragon?

If you want to rise up out of the shite we’ve gone through these past few years, and stand in your authority and true self.

Now is your moment.

You don’t have to be perfect, or the prettiest, thinnest, most popular, or even the most influential.

You simply need to be the best version of YOURSELF!

2024 Year of The Dragon is the instigator of change.

You can choose to smugly turn away with a dismissive ‘all that astrology stuff is hocus-pocus’ and you will be left behind.

2024 is like Dragons Den, and if you miss your moment to make the perfect pitch, you’ll be playing catchup all year.


You can choose to embrace a new way of thinking, an innovative way of working, give way to the old ways and welcome the new and experience unimaginable growth.

It’s your choice, I’m not going to beg, cajole, counter or persuade…

I know what I’m gonna do.

See those of you who know where the magic is, see you on the other side!

By Sam Plovie

The Ultimate Guide By Your Side ~ QiPro Sam helps you remove the barriers that sabotage your success so you can live life at full potential