House of Dragons In April ~ Let The Games Begin!

April Feng Shui & Astrology forecast is not for the feint of heart ~ we’re in for a bingeworthy moment!

Not a month to be shy as April powers up on the 5th, we’re in for a binge-worthy moment!

April is Bing Chen:

  • Bing is Yang Fire
  • Chen is Dragon

Dragons are powerful in their own right, and when fiery breath is their oxygen… exciting times are pretty much guaranteed!

Now before you freak out and unsubscribe, let me share how you tap into this fiery action and avoid burnout!

What’s the deal with the fire Sam…?

It’s like a Dominoes pizza ~ coming in hot and fast!

We transition into Summer now, which enhances the fire element and produces a type of brightening in everything.

No matter what your Astrology chart is, we’ll all recognize a difference in our thoughts, relationships and actions this month.

It’s kinda like a spotlight casting its beam across the landscape, and that landscape is actually…


Yang Fire is unique; it doesn’t need to refuel, it never asks permission and it emanates outward with ferocious intent.

Place a Dragon under such fire, and you have a heady combination…

What will we feel this April month ..?

Emotionally awakened…

Impatiently feisty…

Inspired and renewed!

Dragons are most famously associated with career, and you will feel empowered to advance your position.

If you’re not in a career right now, you’ll feel a push to start something…

You’ll want to stand in your own intensity and express yourself in a new way.

To some degree, this is a glimpse of 2024 and our entry into a new cycle of time, called Period 9.

Period 9 is all fire, and it’s actually awesome, but some bridges may get burned as we shift…

What are the best actions to take in April…?

Stand firm in your own identity.

Be seen.

Wherever you are in your life, understand this is a moment in time to be visible.

You can do this quietly if that’s your way, no need to be something you’re not.

I always want you to be you.

If you’re ready for some WOW in your life, step on up and accept every opportunity offered!

Don’t overthink it, just say yes and figure it out later ?‍♀️

Embrace that an internal side of you is awakening and it may feel uncomfortable at first.

No matter what your Astrology chart is, we’ll all recognize a difference in our thoughts, relationships and actions this month.

Allow April’s Dragon to breathe new life into your mind, body and soul…

What do I need to avoid this April …?

Impulsive moves that have no purpose!

If you fire off on all cylinders, you’ll likely blow more than one…

Audaciously doing it all alone with a fist at your side and a head shake that defies reasoning… yeah that’s gonna backfire real fast!

It’s important to be aware that Dragons invoke strength from within so use that strength wisely…

How about you avoid scorching others with a fiesty comment that you will probably regret later… ?‍♀️

And speaking of regrets… Mercury Retrograde makes an appearance later this month… ?‍♀️

Find out what you need to do to thrive in Retrograde, and when it’s occurring HERE

Alrighty, let’s switch gears and check out your home now ok!

4 Feng Shui tips you must have this April!

Now let’s move into some Feng Shui and highlight two fab areas in your home for favourable outcomes this month!

  • West ~ that spotlight shines bright here for recognition, and possibly awards too!
  • Northeast ~ fast moving sales pitches were born here in April, so make those calls!

Time to balance this out, which areas are best to avoid then Sam?

  • North ~ beware burnout as speed is not your friend here this month
  • Southeast ~ double check those taxes if this is your home office, or a place you work on contracts as mistakes could be made that cost you big time!

Keep in mind, you may not be able to avoid an area I speak to ~ I get that 100%. I ask you to become aware of the energy influences and do what you can in real time ok.

Your astrology forecast for April!

Alrighty, let’s move into our horoscopes and see what’s hot and what’s not! Don’t know your Astrology Chart…? No problem, check it HERE and come right back to read more about you!

In your birth chart, do you have:

Dog: Be ready to be clear with your innermost desires, as this month they will rise to the surface and demand your attention! Things may look dour at first ~ persevere as it will lead somewhere positive.

Rabbit: Take the time to centre yourself and focus on your needs, and be truthful with what you want. Be mindful of overcommitting yourself, you’ll end up tripping yourself up and causing a myriad of issues for yourself…

Dragon:  Referred to as a self-penalty, it’s pretty self explanatory isn’t it… Seek help with your ideas and listen to trusted advisors on all big decisions to avoid self-destructive tendencies.

Ox: This one is all about bad habits, so it’s time to ensure you create better ones this month! On the flip side, can you make some big changes and potentially destroy something that is blocking your path..? Maybe..

Rooster: Ah… True friends through thick and thin, this is a month of collaborations and assistance! Connect with the people you need, and you will get where you want to go. Yep, it can be that easy!

Alrighty, I’ve laid out the intricacies of this April month, and it’s up to you to run with it positively.

You know how this goes, it’s all attitude, you can always make the best of anything, once you set your mind to it.

And if there’s one thing in particular a Dragon loves to do… it is to put his mind to something and get ‘er done!

Access Your Personalized Astrology Forecast for April

Don’t forget to grab your personalized forecast to gain secret wisdom tailored specifically for you! Oh, and you’ll also gain access to the QiCast calendar for those lucky dates ya just gotta have!

By Sam Plovie

The Ultimate Guide By Your Side ~ QiPro Sam helps you remove the barriers that sabotage your success so you can live life at full potential