Is There Wealth Hidden in a Corner of my House..?

Absolutely no idea…Ok, ok, maybe I better explain…..

Absolutely no idea… ?‍♀️

Ok, ok, maybe I better explain this a little more…

The ‘wealth corner’ is a concept derived from a non-classical method of Feng Shui.

They divide space into 8 quadrants creating a square shape you lay over your floor plan. Each quadrant then governs a particular aspect: wealth, romance, career success etc…

The concept looks super easy, and appeals to many for its one-stop-shop approach, and has gained popularity in a world where ‘instant fix’ is the go word.

However, this method is static, and fails to consider the dynamic and fluid nature of Qi, the landscape, the occupants, and is a completely stagnant way of looking at Feng Shui.

Classic Feng Shui will study the landscape (forms) and the time (dynamic structure) to evaluate many considerations for the home and its occupants.

In a nutshell, Classic Feng Shui is the art and science of understanding how the environment will affect you, and there simply is no one size fits all.

Just like you and I are not defined by one size, one colour or one ethnicity, each of us is unique, and it is the same with Classic Feng Shui.

Sure, Classic Feng Shui will look to where the Prosperous Qi in the home enters, and how to support, circulate and share that prosperity with the occupants.

Prosperous Qi can relate directly to wealth, but wealth is not something you find in a corner: it is within your actions combined within a location.

You need to think of this like a Wifi connection ~ Classic Feng Shui will clearly define where the good connectivity is, where it is strongest, and areas where there is no Wifi at all, so stay away.

Understanding how to activate Prosperous Qi opens up possibilities and potentials to make more wealth, not a treasure chest hidden in a corner closet..!

Try not to fall into the allure of ‘Feng Shui in a weekend’, and ‘corners that magically cure all’….

Maintain a logical approach, and ask yourself if a system seems logical – never hand over your decision-making to something illogical ok.

Classic Feng Shui will look for and encourage unobstructed movement of positive Qi flow, often using curving internal pathways and connections – no dark, dingy corners allowed!

The only corners you need in your house, are the ones that connect your walls, and provide stability and protection in the place you call home!

By Sam Plovie

The Ultimate Guide By Your Side ~ QiPro Sam helps you remove the barriers that sabotage your success so you can live life at full potential