July Has an Interesting Mountain to Scale…

If you want to reach the top, you’ll need to make sure you do……

Yeah baby, we’ve reached our halfway point in 2020, and I’m with ya 100% ~ Thank F’ing God right! ?

This July is Gui Wei ~ try saying that 3 times in a row…

  • Gui is Yin Water
  • Wei is Goat

As the calm, trustworthy and rather secretive Goat steps up to the plate to lead us toward the finish line, we’ll begin to feel a sense of quietness / acceptance settle over us after the tumultuous past few months ~ heck ~ tumultuous year!

When Gui Water is the malleable component of the month (prevailing Qi) we can aspire to wiser counsel, thoughtful processes and better communication.

Uh-oh, Sam alert there though ~ we are still in the throws of Mercury Retrograde so we have to push further into July to make real headway.

Wei is the supportive foundation, and subsequently holds valuable depths of ‘storage‘ that we need to tap into. It can support the incoming wisdom, however, we will still see powerful heads misaligned, with egos like a big rack on a wisened old goat challenging every contending old goat nearby…

?give me strength!

We are at a point where we must accept where we are at this point in time; there is no going back to how things were… there is no yesteryear…

This July Goat is heading up the mountain, so we’d best strap on our cleats for the task!

Look around you, and take stock of what’s in your personal backpack, as it has valuable content gleaned from our arduous 2020 journey…

These contents are your future, probably not what you planned, and definitely not what you ordered off Amazon either; none of those items are useful anymore.

Conflict and confusion are our global core, but we can make headway if we communicate clearly and wisely. Stubborn, lowered head with horns at the ready will just provoke pretty much everyone, on every level…

Understand you have a voice, but your voice is small, and will get lost in the big realm. Yeah, I know you are shaking your head and challenging me at that statement right now, but it’s true, so get over it.

You cannot change what 2020 is, it’s too big ~ but you can change you.

Focus on your world, your circle of influence and lead by example ~ THAT’S how we’ll turn this shite around.

Riots don’t work, they hurt innocents caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. I mean seriously, how many small business’s, cars and people were harmed during riots that went wild, targeting the wrong people…?

And for those who burned public buildings… who do they think pays to rebuild them…?

Ugh… stupidity knows no bounds…?

Focus on your personal world, be the positive change to create a ripple effect that will gently and purposefully reach others ~ you will wisely change their way of thinking.

Financially, we are not in good shape, and likely won’t be for a couple of years, and while I applaud spending inside your community to support local ~ be mindful and ensure you are keeping cash in your bank account too.

For those of you venturing into real estate deals ~ they can look promising this month, especially if I’ve given you the go-ahead based on your personal situation. Not a time to stand on the sidelines, thinking… as my Sifu has taught me:

keep thinking, but thinking too slow

If you are enjoying the stores opening up… I ask you to stop scrolling through Amazon and Wayfair, they are big companies that can ride out the incoming tough economic times ~ can you say the same for your local store and yourself…?

I keep hearing that once we have a vaccine, all will be well…financially and health-wise

Are ya sure about that…?

The answer is no by the way…

A vaccine will of course help millions, but it won’t change our approaching economic downturn, it’s just an important piece of the puzzle.

We live in a different world now and we cannot go forward unaffected by the bankruptcies of major corporate players without experiencing the fallout.

The July Goat can help, as it has a knack for hiding things, storing things, and gathering the troops… it has a great backpack ready for you to load up!

Use the ‘storage element’ of the Goat, and safeguard your finances, resources and family first.

Remember, you are no good to anyone else, if you are not in good shape yourself.

Acknowledge all you have learned, how you have changed your life, like not running to the store for that one Avocado, or quart of milk… Not clicking the Buy Now buttons online because it’s ‘15% off today only‘…

When you learn to say no, you grow” ~ wise words from my dear friend Shirley, and perfect in pretty much any situation, especially this one.

Draw extensively from how you had to evolve these past months, and put that new information into your personal OS.

Think of it this way, when was the last time you heard Apple announce; “we’re going back to our old OS, not using the new one we created today

That would be the day of ‘Tue-never-day‘ my friend.

2020 is not lost, this month of July is not lost; I’m just doing my darndest to get you on track for the next 18 months ok. Never the voice of doom, I am your guide on the side who can see what’s headed your way, and want you to make informed decisions that affect your life positively!

I know you can’t see it quite like I can, and I creep some of you out with my apparent spidey senses... sorry about that…

All I ask is you implement prepared steps to be ready, as then you’ll reach the top of this July mountain, with the ability to understand the vista you are about to see.

For now, we will ride things out ‘ok’… but October, November and December will sharply bring our focus back to ground zero ~ and yes, it will hurt. A little patience, attention and planning now will go a heck of a long way in the future.

K, ‘nough chatter about that, let’s sidestep into some uber functional bits of info you can apply RIGHT NOW:

Let’s highlight two fab areas this month for favourable outcomes!

  • Northeast ~ need to make big decisions, build a strategic plan or sort ‘carp’ that has spilled over this year….? Use the NE area of your home, and tap into some clarity that will take you places ~ pronto!
  • Southwest ~ great area for working academically, creatively, and dare I say a little romantically…? Of course I dare, have we not met…?

Time to balance this out, which areas are best to avoid then Sam?

  • South ~ health problems arise inside the fiery South, which can be in your home, and on the globe… avoid this area of your home if you can please!
  • East ~ hmmm… can we say obsessive compulsive…? Yep, we can. Activating this part of your home (using it lots) will create some issues with contracts, taxes, and basic miscommunication all around… ?

By the way, now is the right time to assess your home Feng Shui needs and let’s get your best show on the road!

Alrighty, let’s move into our horoscopes and see who interacts with whom, this part always amazes even me with its accuracy!


Ok, now you have your chart, look to the animals in the bottom row, as that’s what I’m referencing next!

Do you have:Ox in your birth chart ~ Clash Hmm…. I’m not overly worried for ya, as the 2020 Rat is your best bud, so you’ll likely find you make new connections that take you to new places this month. Clash means change, so change it up!

Rat in your birth chart ~ Harm Well, one of the best ways to avoid this harm is hang out with a Goat friend to alleviate the hit (I have a Goat in my chart, why not take me for lunch…?) K, jesting aside (I prefer brunch…) team up with the right people, and you don’t need to worry about this. I always advise caution if doing any dangerous sporting activities, so maybe check that bungee cord twice ok…

Dog in your birth chart ~ Self-Penalty & Destruction You may find others ask too much of you, whittle your fee down, and add more to your contract… Don’t let this happen, it will make you tired, unproductive and certainly not happy! Stay calmly clear, and hold the line with what you provide and how you can help. Weaken your resolve, and it will be your fault that you end up in a potentially negative situation / contract…

Horse in your birth chart ~ Combination Ah… Oh Yeah, this is me, and I am up for the collaboration task 100% and I’m ready to tackle those challenging tasks!

Alrighty, we crested the mid-point in the year, we survived a summer solstice, and we will survive this year!

Take stock of your position:

  • financially
  • emotionally
  • functionally

Set yourself up with a solid foundation, and you will make positive steps up this month’s mountain, which in turn, will show you new opportunities.

Find me if you need me ~ I’m all yours

By Sam Plovie

The Ultimate Guide By Your Side ~ QiPro Sam helps you remove the barriers that sabotage your success so you can live life at full potential