Is There An Optimal Direction For My Home..?

I’d love to say build your home facing ‘X’ direction and life will be perfect.. life just doesn’t work that way! We need to position your home to capture the best energy for your and your family

I’d love to say: “build your home to face ‘X’ direction and life will be perfect!”…. life just doesn’t work like that.

There are no preset ‘good directions’ in Feng Shui.

Authentic Feng Shui considers the natural landforms around the home for their affect on the home.

How about we chat about this ‘Facing‘ bit first, so we’re on the same page together!

What is the face of a home?

The Face of a house is the most yang side; the most active side, which is not always the front door so many become confused by this.

Your home could be situated on a river-bank, beachside, or overlooking an expansive view and such locations are incredibly active with water, people and naturally active Qi (chee)

Qi is the big deal here, as that is what we connect to the Facing and why many ask this exact question.

The Feng Shui Facing is not rocket science, its quite logical; look to the most active side of the home, where it was likely built to ‘Face‘ directionally, and you have your Facing.

What is authentic Feng Shui?

Authentic Feng Shui is understanding how the environment affects you, it really is that simple.

When your home is situated in a positive environment, it will be affected positively.

When your home is situated in a negative environment, it will be affected negatively.

So how come I can’t give you an optimal direction for your home?

Because I need to evaluate the environment you are in to understand how it will affect you.

No point in me saying: “Face your home to the North, and you’ll be rich!” if the North area of your home is a sewage plant or industrial factory…

You don’t even want to look at either of those and imagine what kind of Qi seeps toward your house…

How do I make sense of Feng Shui and my home?

How about I explain it like this:

Imagine you are sitting on a chair, you are facing the North direction and you are ready to smile broadly!

Your home is like a comfy armchair ready to provide you support and a restful position to enjoy the view of life

Now I come along and place a fan in front of you.

You think, this is ok because you could use a cooling breeze, so you welcome the fan.

Not so fast there smiley…

What happens if I place rotting fish in front of the fan and ensure it is blowing right at you?

… so how you feelin’ now…?

Hmm.. thought so, now you get the jist right.

That facing direction has become negative, even though you thought it was good.

How do we fix bad Feng Shui around my house?

Great Q so let’s keep going; is there a way to mediate your stinky predicament…?

Sure there is, if I turn your chair so you are Facing a different direction, everything shifts.

The stinky fish still smells, but you no longer have to inhale it as you are facing the other way.

Ultimately I don’t want your new home anywhere near a sewage plant, however, sometimes it is what it is right.

My moral in this story, my takeaway for you:

  • Don’t focus on the direction, focus on the environment

We’ll build a home to suit the environment, taking advantage of all the positive aspects, and downplaying any negative ones.

Remember, Feng Shui is all about how the environment will affect you…

Yep, it really is that simple…

By Sam Plovie

The Ultimate Guide By Your Side ~ QiPro Sam helps you remove the barriers that sabotage your success so you can live life at full potential