When Is Chinese New Year in 2024?

Are you curious why Chinese New Year is different from New years Eve on December 31st..? Is Solar or Lunar more important…?

We all love to celebrate a New Years’ arrival with our sights on December 31st.

This is when the year changes to the new one right…?

Um.. not so fast there speedy...?

Are there two calendars…?


January 1st is the beginning of the Gregorian calendar and was designed by an Italian doctor, astronomer & philosopher Luigi Lilio. However, it was actually Pope Gregory XIII who introduced this calendar in February 1582 – 6 years after Lilio’s death. Interesting that this was introduced in February

Keep reading to find out why February is important!

The Chinese Calendar works with the Moon (Lunar) and Sun (Solar)

  • The Lunar calendar corresponds to the second New Moon after the Winter Solstice in December (New Moon in Aquarius). Known as the Spring Festival and is when the major celebrations occur and is the more famous date.
  • For 2024, the Lunar Chinese New Year begins celebrations on February 10.

The moon relates to our emotions and how we feel. It is the perfect time to celebrate lovingly with family & friends and is of great importance to many.

This is when you see the loud fireworks, Dragon / Lion dances with special food items. Every item has intricate meaning and is designed to ‘shoo away the bad and welcome in the new!’

  • The Solar calendar begins around February 4th, and is called Li Chun which means Beginning of Spring. This is where the New Year begins with a new ruling animal taking charge for the next 12 months.
  • For 2024 the Solar Year begins February 4th and is Jia Chen – Yang Wood Dragon.

The Solar transition is particularly important for Feng Shui as this is when the energies for the year reposition themselves. Somewhat like a re-shuffling a board of directors and setting a new agenda. There is a new CEO in town ready to lead the other board members uniquely under specific guidance.

How to understand Lunar & Solar New Year

The best way to remember this is to think of it in everyday terms. Consider that both celebrations work together, they simply do it in different ways.

The Lunar year is like when Ikea comes to your town.

They have a Grand Opening with lots of PR, food, parties and general hullabaloo all around… This is the date everyone remembers… But the store was actually in prep mode getting ready for this grand opening before.

We would liken the Solar year as the workhorse opening of Ikea. It’s not so much about the parties, balloons and celebrations. This is when the real work begins and the Feng Shui of a space is reset for the new year.


What is Chinese New Year about?

Chinese New Year is a time of celebration, loving connections, new beginnings and amazing opportunities.

Start the day with a wonderful activity that is personal to you and your family. Wear some red items and give thanks for all the wonders in your life.

Become more aware that you are in charge of your fortune each New Year, not the year itself. Put your best foot forward as it’s time for you to lead the way!

I’m curious, are you ready for a New Year to begin…?

Have read the blog and taken THESE STEPS to prepare…?

By Sam Plovie

The Ultimate Guide By Your Side ~ QiPro Sam helps you remove the barriers that sabotage your success so you can live life at full potential