Meet Sam

Who is QiPro Sam?

Schooled in the Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics, Sam is a Master of Feng Shui & Chinese Astrology and enjoys sharing her knowledge to empower others.

Based in Victoria, British Columbia, she works with clients locally for in person Feng Shui consulting & Astrology and welcomes new clients in surrounding cities.

She assists global clients with their real estate needs and advice with life transformational decisions using QiMen and Chinese Astrology.

Sam coaches aspiring students navigate the complex learnings of Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui, and is excited to take their 2 dimensional learning into 3 dimensional application!

Her commitment to excellence has earned her the respect of colleagues in her industry and cultivated a loyal clientele.

What Sam Loves To Do!

Real Estate

Assist with real estate moves to ensure her clients decisions are the best investment and will support their desired life goals.

In competitive markets, it’s wise to gain the unseen advantage and have an Ace up your sleeve and that’s where QiPro Sam excels!

Whether buying or selling, QiPro Sam becomes that Ace who can align the right timing of the sale, choose the correct new purchase and provide secret intel on how to get the deal done to your advantage!

Owning and investing in the right home is your best foundational step to financial freedom, wellbeing and freedom! That’s where feng shui when buying a home comes in!

Feng Shui

Feng Shui is understanding how the environment affects you, simple as that.

It’s not about bamboo, red doors or wind chimes. It’s about an energetic connection that empowers you when connected correctly.

Once Sam aligns your space to ensure it is in harmony with its environment, relationship issues are resolved, health is strengthened and wealth is generated.

Feng Shui is beneficial for all homes, retail stores, small business’s / offices and large corporations.

Chinese Astrology

Sam love to align clients to their true potential and help them remove the barriers that sabotage their success.

Did you know that BaZi reveals all your potentials in life, evensome of those bad habits …?

Sure does!

Gaining awareness with your Chinese Astrology (BaZi) chart releases you from your pats and launches you into your future.

BaZi helps you understand which skills to develop, habits to realign, relationship pitfalls and even how to step away from recurring mistakes that hold you back!

BaZi is your personal DNA code and understanding this code is crucial!

With greater awareness you can supercharge your life and release old habits that no longer serve you and bring truer purpose and prosperity into your life.

Professional Speaking

As a keynote speaker, Sam will delight your audience with impassioned stories that debunk Feng Shui myths, reveal Face Reading secrets, and uncover what truly lies within your Astrological birthdate!

With her engaging personality, and modern take on the ancient traditions of Chinese Metaphysics, she is the perfect addition to your next event.

Why Meet Sam?

Because once you have A Samyou’ll wonder how you ever managed without one… ?

Seriously, Sam will change your life!

What People Say About Sam…

If you are looking for guidance, maybe a coach or mentor I highly recommend Sam. She has built a business model around sharing stories, offering advice, and providing detailed information so you can personally grow in all aspects of your life. Sam is an incredible mentor, a wonderful friend, and has taught me so much. I’m forever grateful for meeting her and happy to share my experiences and journey through this lifetime.

Jamee Moffat
Vernon, BC

Sam’s QiPro Forecast help me get in the right frame of mind for the month ahead and help me put things into perspective. A valuable highlight of what to expect. Sam’s energy is always a gift.

Coralie Seys
Vancouver, BC

Sam has the ability to interpret star charts with amazingly accurate personalized insight that comes from years of experience and a strong sense of acquired intuition.

Diana Krauss
Keremeos, BC

I don’t know how she does what she does, and it creeps me out every time she does it, but I sure am grateful and amazed at what you do for me, Sam! I’m not sure I’ll ever understand how you know to text me, to give me one of your famous ‘heads-up’ calls, but I sure am glad you do!

Ms Trish
Kelowna, BC

One of my first thoughts (with my business lady hat on) was that this Annual Update is incredible value! And it is. As Natalie the creative writer hopeful who has been climbing for a long, long time (it seems, anyway), I noticed how reassured I felt to have some reflection on what has been and what’s to come. I believe very much in what you do and I’m most grateful for your time and talents. Thank you Sam!

Natalie Appleton

What a delight it was for me to find your email this morning!! I read my Annual Update with great joy, I had the feeling that you were sitting next to me and talking to me, loved it! I will read it again, but I can already tell you that you’ve hit it right. I really appreciate also the kind gift that you put on my account, this is so nice of you! Very touched by your kind attentions and the great personal comments you added.

Virginie Scaillet

Could we afford Feng Shui with a tight budget and two small children…? The answer is YES! Working with Sam, I realized I didn’t have to know the art and science of classic Feng Shui as she used laymen’s terms so I could understand the basics. I felt safe with Sam and trusted her in our home which I consider our sacred space, and she was most respectful.

Carolyn Dickson

We had the pleasure of working with Sam during the renovation of our home last year. She provided a detailed report on our home and gave us one-on-one support to make small changes that could better support our family’s goals. With her help, we made positive changes to our home and were so pleased when her suggestions for changes created positive results.

Kinsley Koopmans

Our goal was to make our home a relaxing sanctuary that would be peaceful and comfortable. With Sam’s knowledge and experience she developed a plan that would create balance and harmony in our home. Over the next few months we could feel a positive shift in our house and ourselves. Thank you Sam for your zest, energy and honesty, it made our project a fun adventure.

Grant & Lisa

After attending one of Sam’s presentations I began to understand the complexity of Feng Shui. Of course I was thrilled with Sam’s open, supportive and fun personality which invited me to ask for a consultation. To say the least the results are amazing and I am grateful every single day for her recommendations. I feel very blessed to have met Sam.

Victoria Jacob

To my total amazement I noticed immediate changes in my home after working with Sam. There is more flow in my personal energy each day and I sleep very well at night now. I had been struggling with some health issues and they vanished after Sam’s Feng Shui recommendations. When people come into my home the say: “Wow is it ever peaceful in here.” And it is! Thanks Sam for helping create a beautiful outer environment that reflects my inner one.

Cindy Bertrand

Working with Sam is like ordering a cappuccino with a dollop of whip cream ~ you don’t realise the full amazing WOW factor of what you’re in for, until that first sip. And then you realise, you can never go back, and never be without Sam again!

Tony Reda

I heard about Sam from my husband, and was impressed by her honesty, talent, straight-forwardness and knowledge. The results of my BaZi report blew me away. Everything she wrote described my life perfectly and there was clarity for once about who I am. I have so much trust in Sam, which made for a wonderful experience and I would most definitely recommend Sam to everyone!

Deanne Crewe

I hire an accountant to do my books, a lawyer to take care of my business, but had never considered a Feng Shui Expert… Challenged with selling a home with little equity in it, in the middle of a divorce, needing fast results, I decided I was ready to try anything. Sam came through with clear recommendations and insights into what to expect in my upcoming months, and she was bang on! My house is sold, my mortgage covered and then some!

Carla Dahlen

It was fascinating to see the Feng Shui Home Sale report Sam prepared for us, and things fell into place exactly as she said they would. I received far more than I had expected and she answered my endless questions. I felt that Sam truly cared about what I was working to achieve in my home and I would recommend her services without hesitation.

Shirley Higgins

We recently had Sam come to our home and ‘work her magic’! I was so impressed with the Feng Shui report and the clear explanations we could follow and love the changes we’ve made from her suggestions. I highly recommend Sam to anyone who is interested in making their home a place that looks great and feels wonderful to be in!

Krista Ingram

Building our own home was one of the most gratifying experiences we’ve shared with Sam. Given our experience, we would build another home in a heartbeat and insist that Sam was involved in the planning and selection process, once again. To know that each member of our family is well-supported every day is worth every penny we invested in our Feng Shui New Build consult. Thank you Sam!

Kirsti & Hamish Kirkness

Curious How Sam Can Help You?

An engaging event speaker, real estate advisor, feng shui power, astrology life alignment and professional coach, QiPro Sam is the secret advantage in your future!