Frequently Asked Questions

What is Chinese Metaphysics

As a Master in the 5 Chinese Arts, I know you have questions about Feng Shui, Chinese Horoscope known as BaZi, and likely some curiosity for Chinese Strategy known as Qi Men Dun Jia.

Let’s tackle the most popular Frequently Asked Questions, and you can always reach out to me directly if I’ve missed something you wanna know!

What is Qi…?
How Does Feng Shui Work…?
What is Chinese Astrology (BaZi) …?
What if My BaZi Chart is Bad…?
What is Qi Men Dun Jia…?
What is Qi Men Dun Jia Used For

QiMen is a way of looking at the outcome from an entirely unique viewpoint. It provides direction when you may be lost, options when you think there aren’t any and aligns where ‘you’ are in the situation under discussion.

Have we answered your top Q’s and peaked your curiosity for more…?


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